
Welcome to 2025.

  H ello everyone and welcome to 2025. The Calgary chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to the old year and hello to the new on ...

Monday, August 28, 2023

From the Chief Dispatcher Fall 2023

 MTC Calgary Fall 2023 Update

The Calgary “CG” Chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club has had a very busy summer!

Since May we have been slinging lightning and interpreting a day in the life of an agent operator twice a week, on Tuesday’s and Saturday’s, at Calgary’s Heritage Park. The park is fortunate to have four former Canadian Pacific Railway stations on the property, three of which are connected to the parks telegraph network. MTC Calgary has regularly occupied two of them, Laggan and Midnapore, practicing and perfecting our American Morse code skills and hooping up train orders to passing trains. We have also sent the names of countless guests up and down the wire and have put them in writing in telegrams. We have also shared stories about the local operator and his or her station as the centre of many towns across the prairies in days gone by.

Soon we will kick our efforts up a notch when Heritage Park’s annual Railway Days extravaganza happens once again. This year the event goes on Saturday, Sep 9 and Sunday, Sep 10 so mark your calendars! Not only will MTC Calgary be in Laggan and Midnapore stations, we will add Shepard station into the mix. MTC Calgary will also host a separate information booth which we will be sharing with members of the Victorian Society of Alberta. New this year will be a connection from this booth to the rest of the parks telegraph line, giving us a four station network. Once again members of Edmontons “MO” Chapter, all former railway telegraphers, will be joining us. It’s always a joy to stand back and watch the pros work the wires. 

 MTC Calgary also participated in two open houses at Champion Park this summer. The park is jointly owned by the Town of Okotoks and Foothills County. It has the former Canadian Pacific Railway station from Champion, Alberta (thus the name) on the property, along with a number of pieces of former CPR rolling stock. Chapter members staffed the station, slinging lightning and telling stories, as they do at Heritage Park. Two additional open houses are scheduled in September. The open houses provided a “proof of concept” opportunity for the Alberta Line Project. Using MorseKOB and the internet, Champion park was connected to the telegraph network at Heritage Park, and live Morse wire traffic was successfully exchanged between the stations at both places. It was a first for MTC Calgary and an exciting step for the larger line project.

This year has also seen the addition of three new members to the ranks of MTC Calgary, an encouraging sign for sure. To all those reading this who are not yet members of the Morse Telegraph Club, I encourage you to consider joining. Learning Morse code and sharing the science, art and history with folks is a lot of fun!

So, what does the fall and the New Year hold for us?

MTC Calgary will continue to be at Heritage Park demonstrating Morse telegraphy until Oct 7. While the park closes to the public that weekend, chapter members will meet on occasion to continue practicing until it gets too cold to do that. After that practice will continue online using MorseKOB and Zoom.

Having proven that the Alberta Line Project concept is viable, a formal rollout plan will be developed for 2024. If it goes well, every museum in southern Alberta that now has telegraph equipment sitting quietly collecting dust and rust, will be alive with the sounds of Morse code emitting from the sounder. I can see many road trips in our future!

I expect we will continue to occupy the stations at Heritage Park and may expand our efforts to more than 2 days per week. Feedback on the Champion Park open houses has been positive and hopefully the park will offer more public events throughout the year. MTC Calgary will be there too.

That’s all I have for now.


Ken Ashmead, President

MTC Calgary “CG” Chapter

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

After Action Report: First Active AlbertaMTCwire Link

Saturday August 12, 2023 marks an historic day for Landline Telegraphy in Alberta!

As part of the AlbertaMTC Line project a demonstration of the first long distance link between two museums with telegraph displays was inaugurated at 11:00 AM MDT with the simple message:


First Message!

The message was sent 35 km (22 mi) between the station in Champion Park South of Calgary and the landline telegraph network at Heritage Park in Calgary that links the Midnapore and Laggan stations. 

The Champion Park Telegraphers
Marilyn Maguire, Mia Salomakhin
Kevin Jepson
 The link culminates a summer of active landline experimentation and practice by members of the Calgary chapter (CG) of the Morse Telegraph club and the Heritage Park Morse Telegraph Club that started with our display at Supertrain back in April of this year.

The link utilized two of Chip Morgan's interfaces connected to small laptops hidden beneath the desks in the stations at Midnapore and Champion. The laptops running MorseKOB connected across the Internet to Wire 11 (the traditional chat wire) on our local KOBserver.

The inevitable hiccups were minor, and once set up, the link worked fairly well.

Using the link over the course of the day we encountered three kinds of issues. While not show stoppers, they were interesting to work through, and were related to issues with the connection at Heritage Park, equipment adjustments, and procedures.

The main connection issue was that the Heritage Park guest WiFi system blocks the port used by MorseKOB! I (Kevin) ended up using my old flip phone as a hot spot which worked fine until the battery died later in the afternoon.

The main equipment issue was also at Heritage Park and that was the adjustments of the sounder in Midnapore and the relay at Laggan. The current strength and signal speed on the line when using the KOB interface is different than what we normally have so that made some characters indistinct.

The procedure issues were interesting given the complexity of having THREE stations on the line. Key closer etiquette is a big one, call and response procedures are more important when it is not obvious where traffic is going to or coming from, and trying to handle three sets of guests around us in the stations at the same time can be tricky too!

The Champion Park Station
None of these issues are insurmountable and we are working on formalizing procedures and developing standard hardware setups to bring more permanent connectivity to the Railway and Historic Museums in Alberta and Western Canada.

A Historic first step indeed.

 Thanks to the members of the Calgary (CG) Chapter of the MTC and the Heritage Park MTC for their support and skills and to Heritage Park and Champion Park for letting us use their historic equipment to make this link!


The whole MTC crew at Champion
L to R
Ken Ashmead, Marilyn Maguire, Mia Salomakhin,
Kevin Jepson, Selwyn Morris

Kevin Jepson
Instigator, "Wire-Chief", and acting Dispatcher for the AlbertaMTCwire Project.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Why the hoop for the engineer is so long!

 Imagine hooping to the engineer as one of these roared by in the dark!

One of these engines in action.

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