Today I am showcasing a fantastic website:
This website covers the history of wired telecommunications from 1843-2020.
Filled with articles and photos covering telegraphy, telephones, physical systems, personnel, memoirs, and has technical articles, historic photos and more.
This is a site well worth the perusal if you are interested in how these systems were built, maintained, and operated.
Below in its entirety is an article, the first in a series, on the analysis of telegraph lines, just to give you a taste for what this site contains!
DC Transmission Line Modelling: Initial Studies on Telegraph Lines
By Tom Hagen
This set of articles is intended to be an introduction to transmission lines and transmission line parameters. I’m hoping that anyone interested in this topic will get a good intuitive feel on why open parallel wire communication systems are built the way they are. This subject can be very technical if you go into the mathematical constructs. It took a number of “first rank” physicists several decades in the 19th Century to get to the point of where the behavior of parallel open wire systems could be definitely modeled, characterized, engineered, and reliably operated in the real world.
I’ll add to this section of Doug’s website as time permits, so check back every few months and I hope to add one or two more articles after the first one.
DC Transmission Line Modelling:
- Theory of capacitance and resistance
- Underground vs. overhead telegraph lines (early work)
- Undersea telegraph cables
- William Thomson’s (Lord Kelvin) efforts
- Thomson’s square law
Traveling Wave Transmission Line Modelling:
The work of the “Maxwellians”
- Comparison of DC and AC transmission line characteristics
- Distributed parameters of the transmission line
- Characteristic Impedance of the transmission line
- Travelling waves on transmission line
- Group delay problems on transmission line
Practical Examples:
- Distributed inductance to improve telegraph cable speed
- Loading coils on telephone lines
Open Wire Telephone Lines: Application of transmission line characteristics to open wire lines and technology.
Some Basics
The first inklings that long wires behave differently than short ones came about during he early development of the first telegraph systems in the early to middle Nineteenth Century. It was observed that a wire acts one way when it is mounted overhead on poles and insulators and another when it was laid underground. Experiments performed in the 1820s showed that a wire laid underground or in water passes electrical signals more slowly than a wire held overhead in air. Michael Faraday (1791-1867), explained this effect as an effect of the electrical capacitance between the wire and the medium surrounding it. Electrical capacitors were known to scientists by this time because the first electrical charge storage device, the Leyden Jar, was invented in the middle Eighteenth Century.

Referring to the below figures, an electrical capacitor is formed between the ire and the medium. An electrical capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrical field between two conductors in close proximity.
A long wire buried in the ground can take on an electrical charge if you connect a voltage source such as a battery to it and a ground rod driven into the ground. This is similar to giving a balloon a charge of static electricity when you rub it against a cloth.
Under the right conditions, i.e., if the wire is long enough and if the charge leakage to the earth is low enough, you can measure the retained charge that results in a measurable voltage between the wire and the Earth.