
Welcome to 2025.

  H ello everyone and welcome to 2025. The Calgary chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to the old year and hello to the new on ...

Monday, January 29, 2024

Introduction to the Alberta MTC Line Project

This email was sent to all users of the Alberta Museums Association email list on January 4th as an introduction to the Alberta MTC Line project.
Note this project is also known as the Alberta MTC Wire project which is the label used on this site.


Happy New Year Everyone!
I am reaching out to you in the Museum Community on behalf of the Calgary (CG) chapter of the Morse Telegraph club. The club is dedicated to keeping the sounds of Landline, also known as American or Railroad, Morse Telegraphy alive.

The Calgary chapter is spearheading a project that will link as many Museum Telegraphic displays in Western Canada as possible to a working Telegraph line that runs across the Internet. The project has been dubbed the "Alberta MTC Line".
I am the instigator and "Wire Chief" for the project and can be reached through this mail list or at "kevijeps at"

During 2023 we had several proof of concept demonstrations, the longest one being a 35 km live connection from Champion Park, South of Calgary, to the landline telegraph network inside Calgary's Heritage Park, that links the Midnapore and Laggan railway stations.  
You can read a brief report of that link on the Calgary Chapter's website here:

As part of the project we are developing a turnkey hardware setup that can be easily added to local telegraph displays and networks to connect them to the Alberta MTC Line.
Development of this combination hardware and software setup is ongoing and preliminary work has been very promising. The resulting equipment package should be inexpensive, simple to configure, and robust in operation.

If your organizations have landline telegraph displays, or you would like to set one up, and you would like more information on how to participate in our project, please let me know.
We have 8 museums in Alberta and BC that have expressed an interest already and we are happy to add more!
We are expecting to begin actively adding stations to the network starting this coming Summer.
We will also have a proof of concept demonstration running at the Supertrain event in Calgary on April 20 and 21.

Please reach out to me if this is something your groups and organizations would like to participate in.

For more information please check out our website at:
We also have a low volume email list with technical information and hints and tips for people wanting to learn Landline Morse code here:

Looking forward to a very interesting 2024.
Come and join us!

73 (Telegrapher's code for 'Best Wishes')
Kevin Jepson (KJ)
Instigator and Wire Chief
Alberta MTC Line Project

Calgary (CG) Chapter
Morse Telegraph Club




Monday, January 1, 2024

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