
Welcome to 2025.

  H ello everyone and welcome to 2025. The Calgary chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to the old year and hello to the new on ...

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Telegrams to Santa 2024

 I hope everyone had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a safe and enjoyable New Years!

This year was the first "Telegrams to Santa" event held during Heritage Park's Once Upon a Christmas (OUAC) held during the first three weekends of December leading up to Christmas.

Two of our Junior Telegraphers
sending messages to Santa keeping
up the steady traffic for the kids.
"Telegrams to Santa" was a joint effort of the Heritage Park Morse Telegraph Club and the Calgary (CG) Chapter  of the International Morse Telegraph club and featured the talents of our Junior telegraphers sending telegrams to the North Pole on behalf of the children attending  OUAC.  Our Junior telegraphers, 13-15 years in age, were manning the key at Midnapore Station at the park and sending across the Alberta MTC Line to the North Pole office (in the back room of the station) where another Junior telegrapher received the message and replied back. The children received an official colour telegraph form with the reply from Santa and stamped with the Midnapore station stamp as a keep sake.

A Junior Telegrapher 
manning the North Pole station. 

The event was very popular and there was a steady stream of families coming through the station to send their messages. This was important this year because there was a postal strike on so kids couldn't send their traditional letters by mail!

There were a few technical glitches but on the whole the MTC Line connection worked very well and the Juniors did a fine job of handling the traffic even  assisting with queue control when the lines got long.

A description of some of the technical issues can be found in the report on our mailing list here:
Alberta-MTC mail list

An impressive number of messages were sent to the "North Pole" during OUAC:

Sat 7th    89
Sun 8th    91
Sat 14th   105
Sun 15th   88
Sat 21st   117
Sun 22nd   113

Total      603

In the interests of keeping things moving the messages were not being copied by the receivers, but they were actually being sent. Listening to the sounders at both the Midnapore station and the North Pole the code was very clear and would have been easily copied without the time crunch of a long line up! 

For the first time doing such an event it worked very well. The fantastic effort of our Juniors, and with the support of Heritage Park, the HPMTC and the Calgary Chapter of the MTC, this event was a great success.

Well done everyone and congratulations on helping to make the season a bit brighter for all the kids and their parents!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and best wishes for a prosperous, healthy, and safe 2025!

Kevin Jepson (KJ)
Instigator and Wire Chief
Alberta MTC Line Project

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Rogers Pass CPR Station 1889 or 1890

 This photo from the City of Vancouver Archives shows Mt. McDonald summit in the Selkirks in 1889 or 1890. At a height of 9440 ft this is the top of Rogers Pass and looks quite nice in the Summer time.

The winter on the other hand, could have snow almost up to the eves!

  CVA 1376-375.22 - Mt. McDonald summit of Selkirks.
There are four telegraph lines on the pole to the left of the station and all the lines come down to the bar under the eves of the platform roof.  There are likely cable drops that run from that bar into the operator's bay you can see behind the fellow with the blacksmith's apron.

The wires continue to a similar bar on the other end of the platform and then carry on down the line.  

Full size image is available at the Archives.

Here is an enlargement of the signal, signs, and operator's bay.  The station sign says Rogers Pass and the telegraph sign has an interesting swoop to it.

 I think this guy in the doorway, without his jacket, is probably the operator who was on duty when the shot was taken.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

A Near Run Thing

 From the Syracuse Post-Standard, Sun., Feb 17, 1946

 Jim Jackson gazed from his kitchen window, early one February morning in 1903. and remarked: 'She's comin' from the northwest an' I'll bet we're goin't to have an old ripsnorter. When you see the snow comin' down slantwise that way, you can get ready fer a storm."

The wind howled around the big white house on the hill, across the tracks from Mallory depot, and the soft flakes were falling faster and faster. And, as I struggled down to the depot for the morning passenger train, it was getting worse by the minute. No passengers emerged from, or boarded No. 7 that morning - and that was the last train we saw for some time. Clayt Fellows, section boss, showed up for a brief survey of the situation and then he and his men holed up in the section house to await developments.

All morning and afternoon the storm increased in fury and the uproar of its mighty travail was almost deafening. My telegraph wires had been unworkable since late morning, and on the road between Richland and Salina, I had no means of knowing their position, or condition.

About 4 p.m. I got my switch lamps ready and started south with two of them. One was to be placed at the junction of Corbett's spur, and the other on the sidetrack switch stand. The wind was blowing ferociously, the snow was swirling in such compact clouds that it was impossible to see a single foot in any direction, except at intervals, when the storm lulled for a few brief moments.

I was walking down the center of the main track, when suddenly from out of nowhere came a mental urge, intuition, "hunch," or whatever you care to call it, that I should step across to the adjacent side track. Almost involuntarily I did so - and I had taken not one step from my new location, when a snow plow, pushed by two engines whizzed by on the track I had just left! All I got was a slight addition to the storm's mighty roar, a ghostly flash, a shadowy, fast-moving mass - and the show was over!

Must I admit I was a bit weak at the knees for the next few minutes? Sam Hollingsworth, one of the engineers on the plow, said afterward that he got just one glimpse of me as i stepped over to the siding. He claimed he could sense, by my leisurely manner that I had no idea there was anything behind me. And he swore mightily and oft it was so close, that had I been two inches larger at the waist, the snow plow flange would have hit me! Jim Jackson was sitting in his big chair by an east window, and during a break in the storm he saw the plow bearing down and apparently running right over me. Grabbing his coat and cap, he ran down the hill "faster," as he said, "than any 72-year-oldster ought to travel." Plodding down the side track, he finally glimpsed a form ahead of him and yelled lustily, but I didn't hear him. I went on and set my lamps, and returning, met him.

We went back to the depot, and my day's work being done, we went up the hill for supper. As we left the station, however, Jim's wife, "Car'line" came plowing through the snow in eager search for us.

After supper we sat rather quietly in the big cheery living room, discussing my near-adventure and listening to the wild hullabaloo outside. Finally, Jim looked at me with a speculative eye, and remarked: "Y'know, I don't hold, generally, to the use of liquor, but it seems to me, Bert, that in memory of a dumb out-an' -out miracle, we could do worse than to celebrate your good luck with a nice hot toddy - that is, providin' of course that we had anything to make it with!"

The old rascal knew that I had a bottle of Tucker's rye up in my room. I used to get a reasonable supply of that famous brand at Garlock's liquor store, across from the old New York Central depot, whenever I came to Syracuse. Perhaps the reason my supply was a bit low at that time, was due to the fact that I hadn't been in town for some time!

Anyway, we had our hot toddies - one apiece - and, although Car'line sipped hers in very small portions and with a most deprecatory manner, as if she did it under protest, she left no final dregs in her glass. Jim related again, in full detail, the story of his one and only extended journey beyond the confines of Hastings- a two weeks sojourn in Oswego on jury duty, 'way back in the '70s. It had been a great adventure for him and he seldom failed to recount it, exhaustively, whenever he could induce any listeners to stay within hearing distance, long enough for the telling.

One of his favorite episodes of the occasion was about the waitress at the old Adams House in Oswego, who, at the end of each dinner, came to the tables and chanted: "Apple, mince, cherry, raspberry, custard an' punkin," to which outburst, Jim claimed he always replied, "I'll take a small hunk of each!"

"And," he used to chuckle, "I always got 'em, too!"

Then, when the yawns became alarmingly manifest, Jim arose from his big morris chair, knelt beside it; and, while we reverently bowed out heads, he offered thanks in his own sturdy and unflowered tones - thanks for the preserving hand of the Father, which had been held over me that day...And, folks, when he had finished, I felt myself nearer to the Throne of God than I had ever been before!

So - a mighty storm howled and raged outside; the force of nature seemed to be at war; but here, within, was peace and comfort and thankfulness and good fellowship. Perhaps just a tiny preview of heaven - who may know? Jim and his Car'line have slept for, now, these many years; but I never journey by the big white house on the hill without thinking of that day, long ago, when death passed so closely by me, that I could feel the brush of his ebony wing.

Monday, October 14, 2024

From the Chief Dispatcher

 Hello everyone. I see pumpkins and witches are showing up in the stores and on people's lawns so it must be time for my fall update. Much has happened since my last one in June so here goes.

Weekly telegraph sessions continued at Calgary’s Heritage Park on Tuesdays and Saturdays with members staffing Midnapore and Laggan stations. The normal course of things had us demonstrating Morse code and sending “name grams” down the wire. We also hooped up train orders to each passing train.

On Sep 14 and 15 members from MTC Calgary, and two from MTC Edmonton, manned three of Heritage Park's four former Canadian Pacific Railway stations for the parks Railway Days event. We did the usual agent operator sorts of things. Members of the junior telegraph club helped at the stations and hosted the telegraphy component of the children’s railway challenge at Shepard station. MTC Calgary members also staffed the millers cabin on the promenade which was set up as a commercial telegraph office. Information on the Alberta line project was prominently displayed.

We closed out our weekly sessions on Thanksgiving weekend. Saturday practices will likely continue
in Midnapore station until it gets too cold.

A most exciting possibility for the telegraph club will be handling telegrams during Heritage Park’s annual Christmas days, this year occupying the three weekends in December prior to Christmas Day. Telegrams to Santa, called Santagrams by Western Union, were once a popular and lucrative undertaking for telegraph companies.

To my knowledge Christmastime telegrams have not previously been offered at Heritage Park and we are looking forward to bringing something new to the park.

MTC Calgary finally received its chapter charter from the international office of the MTC. Having this will allow us to more easily incorporate under the Alberta Societies Act. This is an important step if we want to seek financial help from any level of government in covering some of the costs of the line project, which could be substantial.

And speaking of the line project a brief update is in order. Both the Days of Yore and Railway Days events provided great opportunities to showcase the project with seven and six active stations online respectively. Interest in the line project is growing. Currently the project has five active stations; two at Heritage Park, the museum in Didsbury, AB, our MTC agent in Cardston, AB, and the Dispatcher's station in the Wire Chief's office. Very soon the SS Sicamous in Penticton BC will join the circuit as well. At last count we have more than two dozen other museums wanting to join the fun. This is truly amazing and our wire chief, Kevin Jepson, is to be commended on a job well done! Kevin will be offering a more substantial project update very soon.

That’s all I have for now. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ken Ashmead, President
Morse Telegraph Club, Calgary "CG" Chapter



Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Book Review "Tales of the Telegraph" 1899

 This is another review by Jim Haynes from the old Telegraph Lore website.

A PDF of the book is available at the Internet Archive here.



"Tales of the Telegraph"

The Story of a Telegrapher's Life and Adventures in Railroad Commercial and Military Work

by Jasper Ewing Brady, 1st Lieutenant 19th United States Infantry, Late Captain Signal Corps U.S. Volunteers

Published by Doubleday & McClure Co. 1899

This book is a collection of stories from a lifetime of employment in the telegraph business in the late 19th century. The span of jobs held by Mr. Brady covers just about every type of landline Morse telegraph work imaginable. Reading this book should give the reader a pretty good picture of employment in the telegraph business in the 19th century, particularly in the south and western areas of the United States.

Brady started out as a boomer telegrapher straight out of telegraph school. The first few chapters of the book contain various stories and incidents while working various railroad telegraph offices. The quantity and destructiveness of the various railroad accidents he describes led me to believe that this was a work of fiction, until later I read that 2000 railroad related deaths per year was not uncommon in the late 19th century. The next phase of his career was spent doing commercial work. I have never found a description of working quadruplex Morse circuits until reading this book.

After tiring of commercial work, Brady decided to return to the railroad, this time with aspirations of becoming a dispatcher. Interrupting the flow of the book, Brady did a fine job with a chapter describing the role of the dispatcher in the running of railroad. He then continued on with several chapters covering various train dispatcher stories.

Brady then suddenly decides to join the military, hoping to quit the telegraph for good. He succeeds for a year, and then he took an assignment working as a telegrapher for an isolated Texas military camp. The next chapter is a detour to a story he picked up from one of the older soldiers while out west. The story is about an operator who literally dies at the key. The remaining chapters conclude Brady's military career including work as a censor of telegraph traffic while stationed in Florida during the Spanish-American War. This book is excellent reading for fans of Morse telegraphy. Brady gives a good overview of three important phases of telegraphic communications: railroad dispatching, commercial, and military.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"After Action Report" railway Days 2024


After Action Report Railway Days
Heritage Park
Sep 14-15

This event was very successful with 6 stations active on the Alberta MTC Line!

The six stations included all three railroad stations at Heritage Park, my Dispatcher display in a standalone office in a small cabin on site, the Didsbury Museum, and a station in Cardston Alberta.

This is the map of the MTC Line during the event:

Three experienced members were also working the lines: Bill Wilson and Cliff Metherell were working in the Midnapore and Laggan stations at the park and demonstrating to the public, and Ed Silky joined from Washington State.

We were also joined by members of the Victorian Society of Alberta who helped man the station in the Miller's Cabin and added some period colour.

The "Wire Chief" and two members of the Victorian Society Christie Thacker and Warren Cummings.

We had great interest from the public with kids and young adults very curious about learning this "cool code". Interest in the Alberta MTC Line was high and many people called up the transcripts from the server website to watch as we tried to send coherent code (sometime successfully, sometimes hilariously NOT).

The Junior Telegraph club members were active at the Laggan and Sheperd stations in the park helping with the Kids Railway Challenge and also demoing their skills on standalone KOBs. They also got a chance to work with Bill and Cliff getting tips and encouragement from the pros.

Here are a few pictures of our setup at the Dispatcher's Office in the Miller's Cabin at the Park.

The Miller's Cabin

The displays setup had lots of information and hands on KOBs for people to try their hand at "Slinging Lightning"

A very successful event indeed.

Thanks to the members of the Calgary Chapter for helping to keep the sound of Morse alive.

Kevin Jepson (KJ)
Instigator and Wire Chief
Alberta MTC Line Project

 Calgary (CG) Chapter Morse Telegraph Club

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