
Welcome to 2025.

  H ello everyone and welcome to 2025. The Calgary chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to the old year and hello to the new on ...

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Rogers Pass CPR Station 1889 or 1890

 This photo from the City of Vancouver Archives shows Mt. McDonald summit in the Selkirks in 1889 or 1890. At a height of 9440 ft this is the top of Rogers Pass and looks quite nice in the Summer time.

The winter on the other hand, could have snow almost up to the eves!

  CVA 1376-375.22 - Mt. McDonald summit of Selkirks.
There are four telegraph lines on the pole to the left of the station and all the lines come down to the bar under the eves of the platform roof.  There are likely cable drops that run from that bar into the operator's bay you can see behind the fellow with the blacksmith's apron.

The wires continue to a similar bar on the other end of the platform and then carry on down the line.  

Full size image is available at the Archives.

Here is an enlargement of the signal, signs, and operator's bay.  The station sign says Rogers Pass and the telegraph sign has an interesting swoop to it.

 I think this guy in the doorway, without his jacket, is probably the operator who was on duty when the shot was taken.

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