
Welcome to 2025.

  H ello everyone and welcome to 2025. The Calgary chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to the old year and hello to the new on ...

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


From the Syracuse Post-Standard, Sun., Sept. 23, 1945 

Just a fleeting memory of an old-time Syracusan who also was prominent

along the Hojack 40 years ago:

Louis Windholtz owned and operated a canning factory at Parish for many

years. He was a kindly man, with a keen sense of humor as the subjoined

trifle will show.

I was a "student: at the Parish station, learning (I hoped) to be a

telegrapher. I was alone in the office one day, Agent Shaver having gone to

the village for a short time.

Mr. Windholtz came in and inquired about something, the details of which

I do not recall. Blown up with pride at being in charge of the office for

even so brief a period, I gave him the kind of answer which was known, in

those times, as 'fresh."

Louis eyed me for a long moment; his eyes twinkled and he said:

"Ach so! Venn ve sveep der floor, ve run der railroadt, 'nicht wahr."


The Days of Old, the days of Gold,

When skies were blue and fair;

Ah, knew not I that these would die,

Or, if I knew, would care.

But Memory is a living thing,

Or gay, or sad it be -

And, so I say to you today,

"Thank God for Memory!"

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